5 Social Media Strategies For Patient Advocates To Grow Their Practice

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As a patient advocate, there’s no way around needing familiarity with major social media platforms—such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and X (formerly known as Twitter). However, just being on these platforms isn’t enough. You have to leverage these tools to their full potential. Social media offers a powerful means to reach new clients, share valuable insights, and build a professional reputation in the patient advocacy field. We’ll help you think about strategies to maximize the impact of these platforms. In this article Choosing the Right Platforms Social media platforms are not all the same. Some may fit you and help […]

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How Patient Advocates Can Build a Thriving Practice: A Strategic Guide

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Starting and growing a patient advocacy practice requires more than just passion—it takes a smart approach to marketing. Many new advocates struggle with finding clients. They ask, “How can I get more business?” or “What am I doing wrong?” You may not be doing anything wrong; but you might just need to rethink how you market your services.  The Marketing Challenge New patient advocates often feel frustrated by slow growth. You no doubt care deeply about helping others, but you may not know how to market your services effectively. Many advocates join professional groups like the Alliance of Professional Health

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What’s Wrong with This Picture? Creating Confusion by Sending the Wrong Message

My social media of choice is Twitter. I’ve been a “Tweep” since 2008, although that includes years of no Twitter during the craziness of politics and elections when I find my blood pressure boiling way too frequently. There are lots of advocates who are also Twitter people. Those I know about I follow. When it makes sense I “retweet” what they’ve said to help them amplify their voices – a bit of a marketing boost, I hope! So you can imagine my surprise when I found this Twitter post the other day: Whoa! Say what? I contacted the advocate who

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Aha! Finding Great Ideas to Inspire Your Practice

At least a half dozen times in the past few weeks I’ve been asked what it was that compelled me to start The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates, and the AdvoConnection Directory. It occurs to me that even if you are a member, you may not know the story, or, even more importantly, how it can affect the work you do, too. The story is a classic “aha!” moment story – using experiences to identify a way forward – in this case, starting a new service and business. Some of you know that my two early careers were first, classroom

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What Exactly is Independent Patient Advocacy? (Curious Minds Want to Know!)

reading CSA article

This post will be short(er) and sweet(er)than usual – because your time will be better spent reading something else – linked below. And here’s why: You may be familiar with CSA: The Society of Certified Senior Advisors. It’s a wonderful organization that not only teaches professionals the best practices of working with older adults, but then provides ongoing certification and education to be sure they stay current. APHA and CSA have been aligned and affiliated for more than a decade. (Not familiar? Learn more: www.CSA.us ) CSA publishes a print journal once per quarter – an award-winning journal of excellent,

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The Advocacy Liability Insurance Conundrum

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Once in awhile a topic in the APHA Connect! Discussion Forum takes on a life of its own. The recent conversation regarding liability / professional / E&O (errors and omissions) insurance for advocates is one of them. I’m going to share part of the conversation with you, then provide some perspective, too. The Conversation Trigger Recently, the company that has provided business liability insurance to the majority of professional advocates during the past few years has decided to stop covering advocacy practices. APHA’s insurance advisor* has explained that the insurer has decided instead to focus on different kinds of insurance.

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Why Potential Clients Won’t Buy the Milk

Does this sound familiar? A prospective client calls to talk to you about helping her out. The story may vary, but the bottom line is that she is stuck and needs help from someone who can help her manage some aspect of the healthcare system. She thinks you might be that person. As part of your marketing, you offer a free consultation, which maybe takes place right then and there on the phone. Or maybe you make an appointment to meet with the potential client. Or perhaps you simply have a conversation whether it’s considered a free consultation or not….

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APHA Blog : The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates
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